UMaine COS 140: Foundations of Computer Science

Resolution Theorem Proving

University of Maine

School of Computing and Information Science

COS 470/570: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Programming Assignment: : Resolution Theorem Prover

Spring 2019

Assigned: 3/5/2019   Due: 3/28/2019

As with the previous assignment, START EARLY so you can get help as you need it! Also, there will be other assignments during the period you’re working on this, so budget your time well!

(A PDF version is also available.)

Fair warning: This one’s hard, folks, so start early. (Did I mention, start early?)

Theorem proving is a very useful AI technique that is widely used in other kinds of programs, such as planners. An simple, but powerful, theorem proving technique is resolution theorem proving (RTP). It operates on a pre-compiled, homogeneous knowledge base of axioms and has the same power as any other deductive theorem proving method.

In class, you have seen how the various pieces of a resolution theorem prover are designed and work. In this assignment, you’ll write such a theorem prover.

You will have this program prove theorems in two domains: one of the domains given in the section “Axioms” below and another domain of your own devising.

You do not need to have your program convert your axioms to clause form—you can enter them that way. However, if you have a conversion mechanism in your program, I’ll give you some extra points. (Don’t spend a great deal of time on it, though, until you get RTP working.)

What you will need are the following:

  1. a pattern matcher;
  2. two different knowledge bases of axioms; and
  3. the resolution control structure.

The Pattern Matcher

The pattern matcher you will write has been described in class—the Unify function. In fact, since I’m feeling magnanimous, I’ll even you a Unify implementation in Lisp. You can find it on the website on the Assignments page.

You should consider the code provided as a starting point or guide rather than as something you can just use “out of the box”—you’ll almost certainly need to change it for your purposes. For example, you may have to change it and its supporting functions to conform to your representation of predicate calculus. (Some suggestions for how to represent predicate calculus are in the comments in Lisp code.) You may also have to modify the Unify function to handle ORs and NOTs, if you represent them explicitly or have multiple negation in an axiom.suggest).

Note that there are some functions a “read macro” in the code to help with handling variables, which by convention are symbols starting with the character “?”, e.g., ?x. For example,

        (variable? '?foo)

returns t,

        (varname '?foo)

will return FOO, and

        (make-var 'bar)

will return ?BAR. There are also functions to help generate new symbols based on old symbols. For example,

        (newSymbol '?foo))


        (newSymbol '?foo3)

will both return a unique variable whose name is based on FOO; if ?foo3 is the last variable created in the “foo” series, then either of these calls will return ?FOO4.

The file also contains a function, instantiate, that will replace all variables in an expression (e.g., a literal or clause) with their bindings. See the file for more information.

Knowledge Bases

The knowledge bases for your program are sets of clauses. Each clause is a list-structured version of a predicate calculus clause. For example, the predicate calculus clause: \[\neg{}Roman(x_2) \vee loyalto(x_2,Caesar) \vee hate(x_2,Caesar)\] which could come from the axiom: \[\forall\ x_2\ Roman(x_2) \wedge \neg{}loyalto(x_2,Caesar) \Longrightarrow hates(x_2,Caesar)\] could be represented in your program as:

            (or (not (Roman ?x2))
                (loyalto ?x2 Caesar)
                (hate ?x2 Caesar))

This representation implies several things. First of all, you will need to make your program smart enough to recognize OR (unless you figure out a trick to get rid of OR) and NOT—that is, it needs to know such things as “(not (Roman Marcus)) is the negation of (Roman Marcus)”. It also needs to know how to access each term of an OR’ed clause.

Finally, it has to have a way of knowing what things are variables. I suggest using the question mark prefix discussed above. An alternative is to use property lists of symbols to determine if they are variables. For example,

(defun make-var (symbol)
  (setf (getf symbol 'var) t)

(defun is-var (symbol)
  (getf symbol 'var))

defines two functions, one to set the var property of a symbol to t and another to return t if the property is set.

The Resolution Control Structure

This is the portion of the program that actually does resolution, as well as decides on which clauses to use. General algorithms for this were given in class and in your text.

Note that your program must have the ability to know when it reaches a dead end. If there was more than one way to do resolution at some point (multiple clauses that could be resolved, multiple literals within a clause that could resolve with another clause, etc.), then if one doesn’t work, it should try another until no more are possible; then it should backtrack. If this reminds you of depth-first search, it should.1 Your program must also be able to backtrack to try different variable bindings, when more than one is found. You should think carefully about which control strategy(ies) you want to use to select clauses (e.g., set of support, etc.) and stick to it (them).

Your program must handle variables—you should show their use in the script you turn in.

Don’t forget to deal with the fact that resolution theorem proving is semi-decidable!

Output of the Program

Your program’s output should be sufficiently detailed to show off your program. If some capability it has isn’t shown, we will assume that it can’t do it. It should also be clear to the reader what is being output by the program. This means that you should have the program nicely format its output and clearly label things that you want the reader to understand. If we can’t understand your output, you won’t get credit for it.

You should turn in several examples of your program proving things, and one example of it not being able to prove something.

You should also print out the knowledge base used prior to each set of sample runs of the program.

Electronic Submission of the Program

You will turn in your program, script file, and write-up using Blackboard, as usual. You do not need to turn in a copy of unify.lisp! Turn in a zipfile or a gzip’d tarfile. Your write-up must be in PDF form!


Your program must be well-documented, especially with respect to the axioms you provide the program with. For each clause, describe what it means—both in predicate calculus and in English.

It is important that you provide good instructions in your write-up on how to run your program, since I may run them. If your program does not run, tell me why—the quality of your analysis will determine how much partial credit you get. In any case, tell which control strategy or strategies you selected and explain why you chose it/them.

Be sure to point out any interesting or neat features of your programs, and discuss any problems you had, ways you overcame them, etc.

Good luck! This is really not hard, at least it shouldn’t be. However, start early!!! In the past, students have found this to be more time-consuming than they expected. Don’t wait till the very last minute, or I can guarantee you won’t get it done on time.

Some Common Lisp Mistakes

By this time of the semester, I usually notice some problems in one or more students’ Lisp coding, so let me mention them here, so you can avoid them in this assignment. They mostly fall under the heading of “Let Lisp Help You, and Don’t Fight It”. If you fight it, it will usually win.

Unintentional global variables.

All variables inside a function or method that do not reference a true global variable (one you’ve defined at the top level with defvar or defparameter) need to have local scope. With very few exceptions, this means that they need to be one of the parameters or defined in a let form.2 The let form is not just for variable assignment: its primary purpose is to open a new scope in which its variables reside.

It’s not just good programming practice, by the way, nor is it just that we’ll count off (though we will) if you have these global variables in your code where they don’t belong. If the function is recursive, then local variables (i.e., those scoped locally by the parameter list, let, etc.) are stored on the stack and fresh copies are created with each invocation. Global variables are not created afresh with each invocation, but shared between invocations that are active. This is almost certainly what you do not want, and it will bite you.3

It’s a symbol processing language—ergo, use symbols!

I’ve in the past noticed students doing things like either this:

        (defvar forward "forward")

or even, heaven forbid,

        (defvar forward 1)

If you are doing this, stop it. Lisp has symbols for a reason.

What you are doing is using a string or an integer to stand for (in this case) “go forward”. In other words, the string or number is a symbol for “go forward”. Why not just use the symbol forward? A lot easier and clearer for the reader and for you.

Oh, and this:

        (defvar forward 'forward)

is only marginally better. You’re going to use it somewhere like:

       ...(if (eql direction forward) ...)

Although this is clear, it’s less effort and a bit cleaner to do:

       ...(if (eql direction 'forward) ...)

or, if you dislike quotes, use keywords (they evaluate to themselves):

       ...(if (eql direction :forward) ...)
Booleans, not numbers.

Lisp understands Booleans very well indeed: nil is false, and non-nil values (including t) are true. Please don’t use C’s \(0=\) false and all else is true convention. To Lisp, both 0 and 1 (or anything else non-nil) are true. This makes extra work for you, will bite you when you least expect it, and makes your code look like you can’t tell the difference between C and Lisp.

Line length.

Please keep your lines of code to a reasonable length, say \(\le\) 80 characters. This will keep me from getting annoyed as I grade them and the lines wrap around or disappear because I’m not using the editor you happened to use.

Comments and indentation.

Look at the Lisp packet on the website and do what it says. Your IDE will help you. (If it doesn’t, then use a different IDE, such as Emacs.) For example, Emacs understands how to indent code, whether you are using Slime or Allegro’s Emacs-to-Lisp interface (ELI), and it understands common commenting conventions.

Axiom sets

Use one of these axiom sets for the first part of the assignment, and then come up with one of your own for the second part. Remember: You can convert to CNF before you give the axioms to the program if you like.

Marcus axiom

  1. Human(Marcus)
  2. Pompeian(Marcus)
  3. Born(Marcus,40)
  4. Ruler(Caesar)
  5. TryAssassinate(Marcus, Caesar)
  6. Erupted(Vesuvius,79)
  7. now = 2019
  8. ∀ x Pompeian(x) ⇒ Roman(x)
  9. ∀ x ∀ y Roman(x) ∧ Ruler(y) ⇒ LoyalTo(x,y) ∨ Hate(x,y)
  10. ∀ x ∀ y Human(x) ∧ Ruler(y) ∧ TryAssassinate(x,y) ⇒ ¬LoyalTo(x,y)
  11. ∀ x Human(x) ⇒ Mortal(x)
  12. ∀ x Pompeian(x) ⇒ Died(x,79)
  13. ∀ x, ∀ t1 ∀ t2 Mortal(x) ∧ Born(x,t1) ∧ gt(t2 - t1, 150) ⇒ Dead(x,t2)
  14. ∀ x ∀ t Alive(x,t) ⇔ ¬Dead(x,t)
  15. ∀ x, ∀ t1 ∀ t2 Died(x,t1) ∧ gt(t2, t1) ⇒ Dead(x,t2)


Garden world axiom set

  1. John likes carrots.
  2. Mary likes carrots.
  3. John grows vegetables that he likes.
  4. Carrots are vegetables.
  5. When you like a vegetable, you grow it.
  6. To eat something, you have to own it.
  7. When you grow something, you own it.
  8. In order to grow something, you must own a garden.




You could also implement this without backtracking by using a breadth-first search. DON’T DO THIS! Recall that the space complexity of BFS is exponential—your programs will run out of memory rather quickly.


Some exceptions: variables appearing in a closure within whose lexical scope the function is defined, variables defined by the loop macro, variables in the parameter list of a lambda, and variables defined within a multiple-value-bind statement.


Worse, global variables are technically “special” variables, which in Lisp means that they are dynamically scoped. Dynamically-scoped variables can emulate being the work of the devil. For example, if you define “foo” using defvar or by accident, then later use “foo” as a variable in a let in function A, inside of which you call another function B, which calls another function C, which tries to use the global variable “foo”, it will instead use A’s version. Confusing, to say the least.