UMaine COS 301: Programming Languages

Project Checklist

Use this before submitting papers – it can help your grade!

  1. [ ] Title Page (for each part you submit)
  2. [ ] Abstract (for the final paper only)
  3. [ ] Table of Contents (for the final paper; optional for parts)
  4. [ ] List of Figures (if applicable)
  5. [ ] Front matter numbered in small Roman numerals (for the final paper)
  6. [ ] Body and end matter numbered in Arabic numerals
  7. [ ] Body starts on a new page (from the table of contents)
  8. [ ] Numbered sections and subsections with headings and subheadings
  9. [ ] 1.5 line spacing
  10. [ ] Annotated bibliography
  11. [ ] IEEE or APA or natural science citation format
  12. [ ] Program(s) in appendix (for final paper)
  13. [ ] Fixed font for program code and fragments (e.g., using LaTeX’s verbatim environment)

(after C. Meadow)